Precision Air Management is a company that was developed to ensure the quality of HVAC-R and Controls installation in commercial and residential applications. Our mission is to provide Contractors, builders, and owners with the piece of mind of knowing that the system in their structure was designed and installed properly to maximize Efficiency and Comfort. All our design build is based on ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) standards, which is also approved by ANSI (American National Standard Institute). By including this option in the design of your building you have the advantage and the luxury of knowing that your system was designed and installed correctly.


Though we've got you covered with our ability to service and repair all makes and models of HVAC equipment, your best route for reliable heating and cooling is a preventative maintenance plan which protects your air conditioning and heating investment. This helps avoid break downs and the poor performance and excessive energy use resulting from a neglected heating and cooling system. With a Precision Air Management preventative maintenance plan, your HVAC system will stay running at peak performance as it was designed to! Contact us today for service on all makes and models of HVAC equipment, or to find out more about our preventative maintenance! Don't get caught in the middle of a summer or winter season without the peace of mind knowing that your indoor comfort system is up for the job!


Precision Air Management is dedicated to the complete satisfaction of our Lehi area customers. Precision Air Management is a company that was developed to ensure the quality of HVAC-R. Our mission is to provide Contractors, builders, and owners with the piece of mind of knowing that the system in their structure was designed and installed properly to maximize Efficiency and Comfort. All our design build is based on ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) standards, which is also approved by ANSI (American National Standard Institute). By including this option in the design of your building you have the advantage and the luxury of knowing that your system was designed and installed correctly Our mission is to enhance the level of your indoor comfort control like never before! So how do we do it? We start by offering the latest in air conditioning, heating, and indoor air quality technologies for top of the line efficiency and performance.
